
To Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, etc.

January 9, 2017 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Uncategorized

To Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, and; Republican Party Representing Individual Growth Outcomes, Supply Side Economists, Private Sector Believers in Monetary Policy, Faith Based Citizens, Housing Health and Human Resources Departments, Departments of Education Representing High Quality Choice for Those At Risk of Education Failure       

Your party, or Your Interest in Center Right or Left Political Affiliation for Individual Responsibility and Success can lead (start within 90 days) to make urban economies great with a new focus on urban mom and age 0-6 children by the private sector.  This could be a totally active movement and program of being present in each local area to create a new education and economic deal for urban mom.  The design is to give her influence over the early education of her child with monetary policy from the private sector.

The pacing plan has been created and there is every reason for the Federal Reserve Banks to fill in this capacity constraint as a part of its monetary policy that must become segmented to be effective and fair.  This blog introduces the pacing plan to creates effective ROI on individual decisions to be really-ready to read before kindergarten at a cost and delivery that is additional to the public sector effort.  The NewOldMoney ($10,000 per child over 2 years) is created and given as a gift from the private sector to create a reciprocal commitment to be ready before public school kindergarten.

The NewOldMoney is part of monetary policy, not fiscal policy, and is not subject to congress or the president.  Some private sector promotional effort to get the FED to want to bail out urban mom will be required and the republican party email list will solidify this as a republican effort.  Mom will use the concept of a grassroots righteous email march on the FED that solidifies local commitment to the cash flow and new valuations based on ERSD-RA, PVofPE-Prek, FTFRTFT and NewOldMoney.

The NewOldMoney ($10,000 per child spent over 2 years within a tutor/mentoring program run on choice by the school district) will create a present value of positive expectation of $500,000 per child at age 6.  This is an increase from the present $50,000 if the child is not ready. This is created new value for 2,000,000 children per year (those at risk of not being ready – becoming really-ready to read) and adds up to 1 trillion dollars of future GDP newly created growth per year (assumes most productive work to age 70 overcoming early high risk).  Creating the $500,000 of present valuation of new future GDP capacity on the supply side is capitalism started by gifting described by all of George Guilder’s work on Wealth and Poverty, Knowledge and Power and the Scandal of Money.  The assumptions have solid foundation in singular definition of First Things First.

Taking your pc hat off, the child is forming with this potential value, or not.  It is brain science technical to create this at the age of 6 within the child, done all the time, without thinking, by those who know. Urban mom will choose to do this, if she does not she is actively segmenting her child and herself from her community.  The $500,000 valuation is most reasonable, a $50,000 present value of positive expectation is most regrettable when it could be 10 times that. Today, as mom makes certain the child is really-ready to read before first grade she is creating the future for the child.  The urban public sector is weak in assuming this cannot be done before kindergarten starts; this also cuts education, economic, emotions, and ethic boundaries between urban, suburban and smaller cities.  The politics of the nation are in play and will favor the giving of influence if it is properly played.

This positive expectation (PVofPE-Prek) will change everything about urban public education from the street up to the district. The school district almost doubles its value to the community with the pacing plan.  Choice becomes a point during the child’s age of 0-6.  And, the $10,000 of money to provide the point comes from the 12 regional banks drawn on by school districts and communities outside of the fiscal systems because the gift can be given by the private sector.  The NewOldMoney flows as part of a new deal for urban mom and age 0-6 child growth founded in a segmented monetary policy integrated with the growth and control strategies of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee.  The public/private sector entity that controls the resources of the private sector is the school district, community, and the contracted mentors who deliver the early reading skills with measured success.

Look what the republican party has created.  A renovating urban growth tactical plan that allows for the normalization of interest rates needed by the baby boomers, investors, retirement funds and seeds urban mom directly for rapid economics and education growth in and around the local cities controlled by new choices in the cities.  This creates the early choice system with the private sector proxy part of the FED; that part has always been present but not promoted as effective. That part also is foundational in high quality definitions that compare to the public sector law driving no better than good preschool quality.

Thinking way outside the box and 10 years down the road, ignoring political correctness the natural knowledge that our nation can put to task including just being smart about our individual politics and news cycle is defined physically by the capacity created by synaptic closing in the brain during the 0-6 years. When every child starts kindergarten really-ready to read the valuation of the projected PVofPE-Prek supply side to GDP increasing capacity becomes real and increasing.  When this happens ($10,000 becomes $500,000 present value of individual future growth) because of NewOldMoney monetary policy of constraint removal.  This should cause our experts thinking to change. This is a “comparable new mining method or process”.   The minting of the “trillion-dollar coin” to retire the national debt without impacting inflation and increasing the financial strength of the nation becomes possible.

Concluding, the possibility is equally emerging all over the nation that the above approach will allow the private sector to directly reorganize its required effort to eliminate the gap.  It is possible to put the good quality public sector preschool efforts on the side and go directly to better and best quality that can be expected to close the gaps.  Based on:

  • Clear market definitions of high quality outcomes,
  • Continuous improvement,
  • Targeting the required influence of mom over education,
  • Sustainability based on profits, and
  • Actually doing first things first, repeatedly.

Related thinking on the public sector side is that the Greenback Dollar was used to hold the nation together and free the slaves in 1863 by paying the union soldiers in the field so they would not desert the war effort. The Greenback just gets created and spent from the Treasury on the foundation of full faith and confidence of we the people.  No Inflation would be expected from this money creation and spending activity to create good preschool programs that had funding for everyone to attend.  

I know you are busy, let me know when you want to talk about this.


Thomas D. Wolfgram USA VALUES, LLC.

Early Reading Skills Delivered

651-735-3018, 612-968-1579

