
You Would Think

August 13, 2016 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Working Together

I have been told and I have read that there are 15 million out of 60 million blacks in poverty and there are 30 million out of 240 million whites in poverty. 25% and 12.5% respectively.  Browns track closely to Black.  If this is not something we can work together on through and with equal impacts on our age 0-6 children through best practices it should be.

We should be doing this with the urgency that Stephen Covey explains to be most important but long term.  It has been considered long term for too long.  The private sector, as individuals we are all private sector, has the money to do this on hand already created but not used.

The opportunity is massive to create early ready to read, count and understand positive expectations deliveries to increase the positive expectations of using the special private sector money controlled by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Banks.  There are many many people to help us put pressure on them to call early ready to read skills a economic asset in short availability and a capacity constraint to urban growth.

Join the email march.

Tom Wolfgram,
