
Trump Appeals to Urban America to Look for His New Deal

November 25, 2016 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Uncategorized,Working Together


Republican Positioning

The Network to do the plan is self-contained within the Republican party.  It is positioned to work the FED and most importantly it is positioned for a ROI with the tactic of grass root choice education and economics.  Private sector trumps the public sector with extra to be better or best; the wild cards of choice better and best cannot even be played by the public sector. Republicans, can use USA VALUES, LLC ttrumpblacko show they care about individual growth in a massive way. Democrats don’t see the individual’s growth  as the solution.

  • Be about the NewOldMoney held in the private sector with zero velocity for urban America.
  • Be about the money solution that is already in place for urban mom waiting for leadership fairness.
  • Be about choice for school districts and provider systems already in place waiting for key NewOldMoney.

The limits of this article (AM I THERE YET?) are to get you to spend 1 hour on the pages of and so you can see how easy it will be for the private sector to deliver the requirements to urban mother and child as a gift that starts the growth economic, education, emotion and ethic.

The red is moving on the blue, what makes a difference in a blue county, city and precinct.  What does the conservative have to offer at risk mom and child in terms of the future?  As Trump points out — What is there to loose? , starting from the top is too open of a question.  What are mom’s requirements that would prompt her and her family to vote red in anticipation of more of the same understanding and ability to deliver.  Just this will cause minorities to vote 50/50 and Democrats no longer have automatic support.  The private sector (red) will do this from a supply side economic expectation.

The most responsive to the right are going to be citizens who think individually about opportunity from effort.  In the early going of moving on the urban blue the basics for the individual growth from work will move the citizen. They even might be more likely to live in first tier suburbs rather than the city properly defined and think in terms of long term reward paths more than equality.

Requirements, flesh around the bone of life, liberty, happiness, property, friendship, honesty, respect, loyalty, discipline, courage, work, responsibility, persistence and justice more than compassion.  In a very narrow segment/spectrum what does mom with age 0-6 children require to think positively about being tight around asset building (conservative) in thought, word and deed.  What would make America Great to her and family? What does growth economics, education, emotions and ethic look like to mom?

The supply side economic always starts with giving to get off the dime.  Page 27 and 273 of Wealth and Poverty followed by Knowledge and Power written by George Gilder is in this context.  Asset building without a market to sell the asset is the supply side and it comes from the red conservative gift to get started.  How do we get off the dime moving in the right direction?  It is how the challenge started- Try us you have nothing to loose! The conservative does not need to go very far to get into the needs of at risk mother and child.

She can be moved to self-motivation to gain the most from the least, the need to influence the government to educate her child with best practices and the reciprocation from a CASH (clean, affordable, safe, home) would go the distance to the 50/50 split.  There is no discussion of gifting based on compassion or equality.  The gift is justified on truth and pain that the past lack of ability “on all sides” to get started with growth (mom’s influence over the education system’s age 0-6 choices) and then the ROI of growth was not effected in the last 150 years.

So the limits of this article (AM I THERE YET?) are to get you to spend 1 hour on the pages of and so you can see how easy it will be for the private sector to deliver the requirements to urban mother and child as a gift that starts the growth economic, education, emotion and ethic.  The delivery mode can start in each city now, reaching selected mother and child within 6-9 months.

  • The content is best practice under the law. We call this ERSD-RA.
  • Best practice under the law will close gaps, Less than better or best quality will not close gaps. High quality definition includes continuous improvement of choice and school districts doing first things first.
  • The thinking is to do first things first right the first time so money does not flow until choices for age 0-6 children flow from the school district in initial agreement with communities. Three new industries will form around this concept.
  • Private sector already has the NewOldMoney to do this roll out and the rolling has exacting synergy with the monetary policy of the future.
  • The Present Value of Positive Expectations is understandable by everyone. The PVofPE-Prek is an always present concept of value being created before the age of 6. The term is very specific.
  • It is actually more specific than the real estate term of CASH and After Repair Value (ARV) used widely in the restoration of real estate values within the private sector. Mom needs an opportunity for a CASH home for what must be delivered to the child before the age of 6.
  • Everything is being “bet” by the private sector that if an individual child can be really ready to read, count and understand positive expectations before starting kindergarten everything will be different in our urban communities along the line of chapter 28 of the Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori.
  • Just chapter 28 is referenced as a can opener. Times have changed while brain development outcome requirements have not.
  • If the private sector pays for a mentor to effect the above for mother and child with $5,000 per year for 2 years of effort a huge peace gift is given to the location that will grow into the individual’s next 80 years.
  • Only the private sector can deliver this concept / action strategy and tactics and the money to do this at this time cannot be sourced from fiscal budgets of the public sector because the public sector cannot make first things first happen.
  • Wishing this is not political, but in truth and pain it is.
  • The pain of the civil war hides the new money concept that funded it’s capacity to succeed. That capacity was cut off by Lincoln’s death and equated to the Killing of “Literacy is Freedom.”



  1. Tom Wolfgram said on December 29, 2016 12:01 pm:

    Noel Funchess Dan, to expand on your point,

    “There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
    Trump won 3,084 of them.
    Clinton won 57.
    There are 62 counties in New York State.
    Trump won 46 of them.
    Clinton won 16.
    Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 2.9 million votes.
    In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump.
    Therefore these 5 counties alone, almost accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
    These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
    The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.
    When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
    Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.”

  2. Tom Wolfgram said on December 27, 2016 1:28 pm: