
To Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Open Market Committee of the United States of America.

December 22, 2016 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Uncategorized

To Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Open Market Committee of the United States of America.

Remember this is not being proposed to fit your urban target of underserved citizens inside the traditional box.  See

Your power to effect monetary policy and your knowledge of how important it would be to the urban community if every child started kindergarten really-ready to read from best practice private sector delivery of early reading and math activity learning steps can be, as you know, combined.  Within the next 12 months you could start the creation of local USA values defined by early reading and math best practice outcomes.  The private sector is ready to carry the load with fair economic transactions.

The combined knowledge will target dramatic economic growth from new supply side inputs over the next 20 -30 years.  The location of this growth is wherever the urban school district decides choice early reading and math private sector deliveries within the communities and school district are desired to effect continuous improvement.  Each school district and mayoral community will choose to opt-in to this new delivery process that is to be aligned with the current process.

This targeting of 2,000,000 children who start kindergarten not ready each year will allow the FOMC to restore interest rates and other monetary policy tools in the “total normal economy”.  Increased interest rates would be a constraint on urban growth from the highest level except it is to be offset by individual stimulus at the absolute individual grassroots level as we now describe.

The individual stimulus at the grassroots level is payment for best practice ERSD-RA costing $5,000 per year for 2 years (total $10,000) for every child who’s mom thinks she needs help to deliver the child really-ready to read.  You have been sent the link to a written plan.  The target is 2,000,000 children starting kindergarten each year and 4,000,000 children in the unique school district program each year.  The cost is 20 billion dollars directly from the private sector to create individuals with a new positive expectation.  This private sector money is already sitting idle in the bank as the treasury pays interest on the Federal Reserve Bond Investments.  When these interest income funds are used within monetary policy, like interest paid on excess reserves, they can be deemed to be private sector money flow with at least a 3 time velocity and not subject to fiscal policy.  In fact this spending would be better received by the public than interest paid 25 primary dealer banks (18 billion dollars per year) for excess reserves held by them presently gumming up the monetary process as a remainder of excess quantitative easing.

The $10,000 per child requires one size fits one delivery that cannot be successfully started or restarted inside the public sector box of highest quality universal preschool, Head Start and public school kindergarten.  This level of direct giving to urban mom (through the school district structure and the private sector) as monetary policy creates a one-time per child $500,000 increase in the present value of positive expectations from pre-k at age 6.  The increase is located in the supply side of the local private sector expectation within child and mom.  That cost and PVofPE-Prek is defined as a gift in the light of George Guilder’s definition of giving in – Wealth and Poverty- writing on page 27.

The increase per year in PVofPE-Prek for mom, district, city, county, state and nation projects future growth that does not exist without the successful delivery of defined best practice individual outcomes.  Fully achieved PVofPE-Prek adds at least one trillion dollars per year to the local urban economic expectations for the next 80 years.  Successful real reading readiness would support the use of the trillion dollar coin to reduce the official deficit of the nation at a rate that does not spook the international financial community focused on the money supply and the underlining productive capacity being boosted.

Yes, we are asking for a show of courage from leadership to lead.  Put your need to get back to a 5% normal interest rate together with the need to directly stimulate local urban economies to create a USA Values Monetary Policy Tool that gives urban mom a grand new bargain of individually declared Literacy is Freedom.  This bargain changes everything within a very short demonstration of education, economic, emotions and ethic outcomes that will be valued going forward by the Central Bank.

Urban areas would be credited with creating best practice 100% reading readiness “assets” with the NewOldMoney.  The school district will be able to pay for its continuous improvement and fund the local economic development up to the amount of the original funding by the FED.  There is one more reason to get this monetary policy correctly installed and aligned with the present pre-k and K-12 fiscal funding of school districts that are one step removed and not discussed here.

Remember this is not being proposed to fit inside the box.


Thomas D. Wolfgram USA VALUES, LLC.

Early Reading Skills Delivered

651-735-3018, 612-968-1579

